
Submit CV

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Can’t find the teaching or teaching assistant role you are looking for?

Send you CV to us and we’re have one of our friendly team contact you to find out to get to know you and your requirements better. 

By uploading your CV and contact details, you are agreeing to our policies and procedures and giving us permission to process your personal details in regard to any school role that we believe matches your experience, qualifications and personality. Those successful will be asked to complete a thorough registration process in line with both Safer Recruitment and APSCo Compliance+.

Any personal information submitted to us such as your previous experience and qualification will be used by our recruitment consultants in order to consider your appropriateness for any roles that we may have available.

We value your privacy. You can find our Privacy Policy and GDPR Policy here. which explains how we will use your personal information and the ways in which we will process and retain it. It also explains the rights you have in relation to your information, and how to get in touch with any questions or requests.

Speak to a consultant today on 020 4531 6850

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